Small scale blogging site Twitter on Tuesday propelled Promoted #Stickers which permits brands to plan four to eight stickers that individuals can use to enhance their photographs.
Advanced #Stickers are accessible comprehensively to choose advertisers with an oversaw account, the organization wrote in a blog entry.
Pepsi is the selective dispatch accomplice of Promoted #Stickers and will share almost 50 custom stickers crosswise over 10 markets, including India, for fans to use as a feature of their worldwide "PepsiMoji" battle.
Twitter as of late acquainted #Stickers for clients with add a pop of inventiveness to photographs and associate them to the world on its stage.
From that point forward, a large number of photographs have been tweeted utilizing #Stickers crosswise over games, news and diversion.
#Stickers go about as a visual hashtag which implies that photographs with your image's sticker will be associated and discoverable to any individual who taps your image's sticker.
Twitter launches 'Promoted' stickers for brands
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5:43:00 AM